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Raising Healthy Bodies Program


Basic or Premium

The Raising Healthy Bodies Basic Package is a program specifically designed to help parents give their children the best nutrition they could get in order to grow strong, healthy bodies.

It starts with an hour-long consultation with one of our specialist coaches. In this interview they will go through everything about your child - all the details including what you are running into, everything you have tried, everything you are feeding your child and the ingredients of those things, etc. They will give you advice on anything they observe as non-optimum and recommendations on what should change or be added. Following this consultation, the coach will create a full health program covering everything that was discussed and giving further guidelines to follow moving forward.

From there, you as a parent simply need to follow the personalized program set out by your coach.

For more certainty and peace of mind, upgrade to the Premium Package which includes:

  • Unlimited access to messaging your coach whenever you need to with any questions or help that you need in implementing or following your child's health program

  • A monthly hour-long consultation call to go over further details, answer questions, etc.

  • You will receive one advice letter or video giving health tips for babies and children per month

  • You will receive one healthy recipe per month

Your premium package gives you 2 months of service. For those who would like to continue past the end of the 2 months, there is a $100 per month option available.

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